Below are the frequently asked questions our customers have before purchasing the product.

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Pre Sale Questions

You can submit your order and receive it within 24 hours in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and France. For more information, contact the support center to be directed to our online stores in the country in which you reside.

After confirming the order, it is prepared and shipped on the same day to arrive the next day, meaning the whole process takes only 24 hours.

All products have been manufactured in Turkey since 2010 and have obtained a certificate from the Turkish Ministry of Health, a dermatological examination laboratory certificate, as well as a certificate from the Organic Products Authority.

We only have retail sales in all the countries we are in, and our products are only available under our brand. This is to preserve the originality of our products and not open the way for fraudsters to imitate them.

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